Monday, April 1, 2013

Life is a Journey

life journey sailing
Life is a journey, sailing in the stormy ocean, I’m glad that i found you along the way for you make my life peaceful and beautiful sailing with you is worth a thousand kisses...

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Love Around the Sunset

love around sunset
Love Around Sunset
a long and lasting love
in a sunset that full of inspiration
an infinite love beyond
in a sunset that full of magic

for the love that is true
will be faithful and eternal
it linger on through time
cause you and I will be forever

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


You are my life my love
and my inspiration...
your love and kindness
are beyond compare...
you are the love of my life
that bring joy in my heart...
I love you so dearly forevermore in the sunset together we see what a beatiful world we can be...

Listen to your heart

Listen to your heart
Listen to your heart
in the deep of your soul
you hear angels singing
in heaven above, the glory awaits

The happiness is within
the heart of kindness prevail
deep down the road you follow
happiness and success awaits

Monday, March 25, 2013

Lord You Promise

Candles - Lord You Promise
Lord, You promised a better day is coming
Our cross we'll bear no more,
We'll live with You for all Eternity,
Upon Heavens bright and golden shore.

Lord don't take my tears or my cross away
For I would grow weary and forget to pray.
I want to serve You all of my days,
I'll share You with others along life's way.

For my tears will keep me humble
Though many times I fall and crumble,
Lord grant me strength for each new day,

Teach me Lord to never grow careless
Or grow weary in my walk each day,
Remind me Lord how much I need You

Friday, March 8, 2013

Love with your heart and soul

Love is not just...
about being physically together,
but being strongly connected
with your heart and soul to each other

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Be who you are


Dont live your life
to impress others.
Do what you love
and what you do.
Be yourself
and be who you are.

True Love

true love
True love doesn't have a happy ending... because true love has no ending... true love is eternity...

Grow old with you

grow old
I wann grow old with you...
I wann be with you
I wanna hold your hand forever
Closer and closer until our hair become gray...still i love you



Relationships last long not because the are destined to last long.
But relationships last long because two brave people made a choice...
To keep it, fight it, and work for it.